Covid Plan of Action
The Central Jersey Rebels/Trenton Thunder Baseball Academy travel baseball organization is very excited to get back on the field in a safe and positive atmosphere. This process will require full commitment from the entire organization. In preparation for taking the field, the following procedures have been prepared to ensure the safety of our players, coaches, and families.
These procedures apply to all individuals participating in Central Jersey Rebels/Trenton Thunder Baseball Academy activities. In order to participate in these activities, the established procedures must be followed without exception.
The Central Jersey Rebels Youth Baseball organization will follow Federal/State/Local guidelines and will adjust plans and procedures accordingly. All communications regarding changes to these procedures will come directly from the CJR administrative team. We request that all individuals remain patient, compliant, and supportive during this time.
Information included in these procedures have been sourced from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website as well as the New Jersey Department of Health; Guidance for Sports Activities. We encourage everyone to utilize these sites for the most up to date information on COVID-19 health and safety protocols, as well as to find answers for medical related questions and concerns that may arise.
If any activities is experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, they must refrain from participating in practices, games, and/or events, and are required to seek medical care prior to returning. It is important that this information is communicated to the Central Jersey Rebels Administration team via email, or through completion of the Google Form. If an individual has been tested for Covid-19, we ask that the results of their test be shared with the Central Jersey Rebels Administration Team immediately so proper protocols can be initiated.
The top priority of the Central Jersey Rebels/Trenton Thunder Baseball Academy is to establish a program preparation plan that includes a specific set of procedures to reduce the risks related to COVID-19 and all illnesses that can be avoided by being responsible and diligent.
It is imperative that we have full support from all individuals to maintain a level of comfort that will allow a sustainable and positive atmosphere to play baseball.
The Central Jersey Rebels/Trenton Thunder Baseball Academy administrative team will continue to monitor information released from Federal/State/Local resources and maintain open lines of communication to keep our players and families informed, safe, and on the field.
The Central Jersey Rebels/Trenton Thunder Baseball Academy expects that all individuals arriving to participate in baseball activities will always follow these procedures and maintain proper social distancing guidelines. The health and safety of all involved is something that is not being taken lightly and will be strictly enforced. The following items must always be followed until further notice:
All participants, which includes but is not limited to players, family members, coaches, and spectators will:
- Adhere to all rules and procedures established by the organization
- Follow Federal/State/Local requirements
- Follow rules of social distancing
- Give full support and assistance in the implementation of safety procedures
- Demonstrate patience and positivity throughout the process
- Avoid attending any practice, game, or event if experiencing any symptoms of illness (list of symptoms included below)
All players, parents, guardians, coaches, and spectators must comply with specific procedures prior to participating in all practices, games, and events. Reducing the risk of spreading illness is key to the overall health and safety of all involved in the program.COVID-19 affects people in different ways. Infected people have had a wide range of symptoms reported – from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.Common Symptoms (but may not be limited to):
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion
Inability to wake or stay awake
Bluish lips or face
Plan of Action
General Guidelines For All
Players will be encouraged/reminded to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth*If at any point you are unsure about the safety of a situation, please use common sense and good judgement to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you. Thank you!
- All participants and spectators should practice “good hygiene” and hand washing/sanitizing
- Face-coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or isunconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance
- Face coverings should not be worn by staff or athletes when engaging in high intensity aerobic or anaerobicworkouts, or where doing so would inhibit the individual’s health
Adults 65 years and older or people of any age with serious underlying medical conditions are strongly encouraged not to attend practice/activities at this time

*Information included on this action sheet have been sourced from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the USABL Guidelines During Practice or Competition, as well as the New Jersey Department of Health; Guidance for Sports Activities.